I recently spoke to Mike Anderson the Arizona Game and Fish, native fish coordinator and Don Mitchel the Arizona Game and Fish, Region V fish programs manager about upcoming conservation efforts. The results of these conversations are that the following programs will be pursued by Arizona Game and Fish and OPTU in the near future.
Temperature logging in the Chiricahuas to determine water suitability for trout.
Signs placed at Frey Creek and Grant Creek with the new fishing regulations.
Access improvement on Grant Creek
Willow collection and planting on the west fork of the Black River.
Habitat assessment of Coleman Creek in the Blue River drainage.
Work days at Frey Creek and Grant Creek.
I will be meeting with Mike Anderson, George Hayes and the new Region V Fisheries biologist the beginning of November to work on the coming year’s plans.
Look for updates here and in the News Letter.
<p>Conservation efforts are
Conservation efforts are moving forward. We recently assited Az Game and Fish placeing four temperature data loggers in Rucker Creek. We will be placing more data loggers in Rucker Creek and Cave Creek this spring. We will also be doing improvements to the Grant Creek Ladder aceess point and placeing signs at Grant Creek and Frey Creek.
I will keep everone updated through this site and put work dates on the callendar.